Did you know that a Cactus, which is a symbol of durability and endurance could actually die? I didn’t until I killed one myself. After my sad state of constant plant killing, I was on a mission to change my brown thumbs green with artificial plants.
So, you heard it first-hand – I am a murderer. Not in an assassin kind of way, but more in a “I love plants but I just don’t have green fingers. In fact, I think that plants are beautiful! Especially living in Durban, I appreciate anything green, it provides a very soothing contrast to life’s hustle and bustle. For years, I had bought plants but the only plant that survives under my thumb is an artificial one.
Artificial plants are useful for so many reasons: –
- It’s great for those with a busy lifestyle
- It’s even better if you have naughty children like mine
- There’s no watering
- There’s no need for sunlight
- There are no more muddy spills on my expensive furniture, rugs, and floors
- No weeds or irregular growth
- It’s great for allergy sufferers
- Perfect for homes with pets
- They last a lifetime
Here are some of my favourite plants from Silk By Design:–
- Cactus Arrangement
- Areca Palm Arrangement
5. Mother-in-law Tongue
Silk By Design provides the most amazing plants. From Aloes to rose trees. The quality and visual appeal of artificial plants and trees have dramatically improved with recent development. When I was first introduced to artificial plants I couldn’t even tell the difference. Artificial plants allow you to enjoy its beauty and you don’t have to worry about rushing home from a long tiring day at work to water and care for them. If you have a busy lifestyle or travel often, then artificial plants are perfect for you. Looking for the perfect plant to suit your style – Shop online www.silkbydesign.com.
Roberta Govender – Silk By Design Marketing (Don’t worry, I’m not one of the florists)